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So far WesVet has created 88 blog entries.

Caring for Your Anxious Companion: A Guide for Pet Owners

Understanding Stress and Anxiety in Pets: A Guide for Brentwood Pet Owners Welcome to WesVet Animal Hospital's blog, where we prioritize the health and well-being of your pets. We're addressing an important and often overlooked aspect of pet care: the mental health of your dogs and cats. Recognizing the early signs of stress and anxiety [...]

Unlocking Joy and Health: The Transformative Benefits of Having a Pet

Benefits of Pet Ownership The dynamics of American households have shifted in recent years, with pets increasingly becoming core members of the family. At WesVet Animal Hospital, we understand that the decision to own a pet comes with both joys and responsibilities. This article explores the manifold benefits of owning a pet and how [...]

Beyond the Purr: Understanding and Managing Feline Dental Health

Beyond the Purr: Understanding and Managing Feline Dental Health Cats, known for their stoic nature, often endure discomfort without showing outward signs of pain. One of the more elusive yet serious conditions that can affect our cats is resorptive lesions. At WesVet Animal Hospital in Brentwood, Tennessee, we understand how these silent sufferers may not [...]

Happy Cat Month: Top 10 Essential Tips for a Joyful Feline Life

Cats bring joy, comfort, and companionship to our lives. As our cats’ caretakers, we must ensure our feline friends are happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. September is Happy Cat Month, a great time to evaluate our cat caregiving skills and to create the ultimate cat-friendly home environment. The WesVet Animal Hospital team shares the top 10 [...]

7 Myths About Pet Nutrition

Pet nutrition supports your furry friend's health, vibrancy, and well-being. However, with the misleading pet nutrition information circulating online, you may have trouble distinguishing the truth behind common myths. Our WesVet Animal Hospital team debunks common myths and provides accurate information about pet nutrition. Myth 1: Grain-free diets are healthier for pets Truth: While grain-free [...]

Itchy and Scratchy: Common Skin Conditions in Pets

Pets’ skin conditions can occur at any time but are often more common during the warmer months, usually causing them intense itching and discomfort. You know what we mean if you’ve ever been woken up in the middle of the night by a fiercely jangling collar caused by your pet’s constant scratching.  Skin issues have [...]

10 Pet Health Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore

A pet who is happy and feeling good is likely obvious—their tail wags or purrs usually give them away. However, when your pet is ill, they may not show obvious signs of distress. As a responsible pet owner, you must learn to pick up on changes in your pet's mental and physical behaviors so they [...]

How to Understand a Pet Food Label

You have likely become well-versed in understanding your food packaging labels. But what about the information provided on pet food labels? You care about what you feed your pet; after all, they depend on you to feed them a nutritious diet. However, the information on pet food labels is vastly different from the information on [...]

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