Do you sometimes wonder why on earth your dog does what they do? Whether you catch your furry pal scooting across the floor on their behind, eating grass, or “running” in their sleep, you’ve likely shaken your head and thought, “Why does my dog do that?” Interpreting some of your dog’s behaviors, such as pawing at their food dish or flopping down, belly-up, on your lap, is easy, while other behaviors are more confusing. Our WesVet Animal Hospital team knows a thing or two about what makes dogs tick, and we shed light on some common odd dog behaviors. 

Question: Why does my dog paw at the ground after eliminating?

Answer:  Your dog leaves behind more than a mess when they urinate or defecate outside. They leave powerful pheromones that tell other dogs that they have already passed through. These scent markers impart valuable information to other animals, who have a much stronger sense of smell than people. You may assume your dog is trying to bury their waste like a cat after urinating or defecating, but they actually paw at the ground to disperse more scent cues released by glands in their feet. Only after leaving behind important neighborhood details will your dog be ready to move on and continue their walk. 

Q: Why does my dog sniff other dogs’ hind ends?

A: Along the same lines, your dog sniffs another dog’s hind end to learn all about their new acquaintance, and decide whether they are friend or foe. In the canine world, looking directly into another dog’s eyes signals a challenge, and is too confrontational for a first meeting. Greeting one another’s hind end is a friendlier, and safer, alternative. Since each dog’s scent is unique, the dogs can quickly determine whether they have met before, as well as one another’s gender, health status, and personality. Dogs also determine who will be dominant and submissive in their relationship, with the more dominant dog initiating the greeting, and the submissive dog patiently waiting their turn. Don’t be surprised if your dog also greets people this way, since it is the friendliest form of greeting in their world. 

Q: Why does my dog “run” in their sleep?

A: If you assume your dog is dreaming about chasing squirrels in their sleep, you are likely correct. Dogs experience a rapid eye movement (REM) sleep cycle similar to people, and dream during their deepest sleep stages. Your dog may move their eyes, breathe irregularly, and whimper or whine before they begin twitching in their sleep. You have no reason for concern—your dog is probably dreaming about enjoying a cheeseburger or running through the park by your side.

Q: Why does my dog turn in circles before lying down?

A: Your dog may be many generations removed from their wild ancestors, but they still retain characteristics of their less-domesticated past. Wildlife biologists believe that wolves sleep facing the wind so they can smell approaching predators. They turn around several times to determine the wind’s direction, and then settle down. Although your pampered pooch is in no imminent danger while sleeping, evolutionary self-preservation behaviors are deeply ingrained.

Q: Why does my dog eat grass?

A: Many people assume that dogs eat grass because they have an upset stomach, and want to vomit to feel better. Although your dog is smart enough to learn tricks and how to convince you to toss extra treats their way, they are not likely to make this association. Theories abound, from helping dogs eliminate intestinal parasites to adding fiber to a nutrient-deficient diet, but most dogs likely eat grass out of boredom. Grazing is not usually a problem, but try playing a game of fetch or going for a walk the next time you see your dog munching on the lawn.

Q: Why does my dog scoot across the floor on their hind end?

A: You may laugh as your dog scoots across the carpet, but this behavior typically has a medical basis. Dogs scoot when their anal glands, which are two small pouches located right inside their anus, become full and uncomfortable. The anal glands are lined with cells that produce pheromone-filled fluid that communicates identifying information to other animals. When your dog defecates, the fluid coats the feces, leaving behind a calling card. Your dog’s anal gland ducts may become blocked, and their glands may overfill and become itchy or painful. You may also notice your dog licking or biting under their tail. Contact us if you notice these behaviors, since your dog may develop a painful abscess if their anal glands are not treated. 

There are plenty of puzzling canine behaviors that we did not include—some normal, some not. Contact our WesVet Animal Hospital team for help deciding whether your dog’s odd behaviors are reason for concern.